Shared hosting refers to a web hosting environment where many websites reside on one web-server. You as a customer share a server with other customers. Usually it's about 100 to 400 accounts in one server. So, what you need to consider before you buy shared web hosting plan?
But some guys aren't focused enough. They want the right service but they aren't looking for it where they should, which is in the hands of an expert. Shared Web Hosting is something you look for to avoid hassles.
Linux web server is very well-known that capable of running hundreds of tasks at the same time with stability. But it doesn't mean Windows web server is bad. The right term would be like this; Linux can max out server capacity but windows can not. So web hosting company maybe do this: 400 Shared Web Hosting UK hosting account if using Linux and 350 shared hosting account if using Windows platform.
I have recently shared a customer's nightmare with a supposedly reputable domain registrar. All they wanted was their domain pointing to a different DNS server (the server that tells the internet where your website is), a simple request, they received no response from any of their emails. I didn't like their silence and suggested we actually move the domain to my registrar instead, more emails sent, more silence, weeks of it!
Quick Affordable Web Hosting provides many benefits. Who likes to dwell and wait whilst a web page loads? It is said that a page must load in less than one second or you risk losing your website visitor. Websites are becoming increasingly sophisticated with images and sound as well as instant contact support, so your hosting really does need to be quick.
The second thing that you should not overlook is customer support. You are of great likely need to get help from their technical staff here and there. One of the main thing to be noted here is that you should make sure your web hosting provider will going to provide you support by email or by phone or by live-chat 24/7.
99.99% more active: Many web hosts are to ensure the time to 99. 99%, but then they are more expensive and must be chosen if required as commercial web sites.